Keep Them Comfortable During Their Slumber.
When purchasing baby sleepwear, consider the following:
- The Weight of the Material. Just like adults, babies can get overheated very easily. Be sure to purchase baby sleepwear in a season-appropriate fabric.
- Synthetic Fabrics vs. Natural Fabric. While it can be tempting to wrap your baby up in fleece because it's cold outside, opt for a more natural fabric like wool or bamboo. Both fabrics are sustainable and naturally thermal regulating; that means your baby will stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
- Do Not Purchase One Size Up. Every bit of advice you're getting is to "buy big." Baby sleepwear is the exception to this rule. If there is too much excess fabric around your baby, you increase the risk of SIDS. Buying just one size up will allow you to get a little extra wear out of the baby sleepwear, but won't leave your baby swimming in his sleepers either.
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- Purchase One-Piece Baby Sleepwear. Even if you opt out of purchasing bag sleepers or wearable blankets, avoid purchasing two-piece baby sleepwear. When your baby is a newborn, he or she will have little patience for the constant tugging necessary to remove pajama pants.
- Choose Baby Sleepwear with Hand Covers. Newborn babies have sharp fingernails, and if there hands aren't covered while they're sleeping, they can easily scratch themselves.
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