Hi,Elysia,just writing to say that I found
the fabric I'm looking for for this latest order,for a cat sleeper
(which will be similar to the bunny sleeper,only in the form of a cat),
this time,so you don't have to look for it yourself,and will send the
fabric when I'm ready.I'll also send you the vinyl (this time I'll make
sure it's the right stuff,the smooth stuff),and I have some appliques
for you to look at to let me know which is okay for me to order for
this,but all in due time.Well,hope everything's fine with you
Is the fabric long pile faux fur? If so I am
not sure I will be able to work with it as my machine broke from sewing
your pink bunny sleeper. The fur was too long for my machine to handle
and continually got tangled in the parts.
Actually,if you look at it,no,it's not too
long/hairy.Here,let me send you the links to show you what I mean.There
are three or four that I'm looking at,and you tell me which you think
you'll be able to work with:
Okay, anything that does not say shag should
be okay. I will let you know a price in the next week or so. I am very
busy with Halloween orders so my responses may be delayed.
Here's some appliques I'm thinking of having
you add to the cat-sleeper,so here's the links to these appliques,look
at them and tell me which,if any,you think you could add to the
Okay, my Halloween orders are starting to settle down. Any of those appliques, besides the lace one, should work fine.
Also, if you just want a silhouette like this one you sent:
I can make that for you rather then ordering it somewhere else.
Also, if you just want a silhouette like this one you sent:
I can make that for you rather then ordering it somewhere else.
Oh,okay,well,let me go through the appliques I
posted and see which one I want.Also,I just ordered the vinyl for the
soles and toecaps of the cat sleeper and this time it's the smooth
kind,I made sure of it.Next,I'll order the applique (unless,like you
said,I pick something you can make for me,instead),and then finally,
sometime next month,or in December (more likely in November), I'll order
the black fabric.I think I know which one I want,from the links I sent
you,and don't worry,like you said,I'll steer clear of the stuff that
says "Shag",in the title.How much should I order,considering that you'll
be making a long cat-tail,so you'll obviously need much more fabric
than you needed for the fabric for the tail on my bunny sleeper? Well,I
guess that's it for now. Oh,you said you'd get back to me on the price
quote for this second sleeper,the black-cat sleeper?
Okay, in order to give you a price I want to make sure I have all the details.
You want full body pjs with feet, hood, tail, ears, mittens, and an applique, correct?
Do you want the toe caps again? Also how do you want the mittens? For example removable, attached, or half attached and flipping up/down.
If there are any other details you would like to add let me know.
You want full body pjs with feet, hood, tail, ears, mittens, and an applique, correct?
Do you want the toe caps again? Also how do you want the mittens? For example removable, attached, or half attached and flipping up/down.
If there are any other details you would like to add let me know.
Well,pretty much the same way you did the
bunny sleeper, including vinyl toecaps and soles,a zipper-tab,and the
mittens and hood completely sewn on and a long cat-tail and of course,
cat ears on the hood,and of course,the applique I send you (unless you
end up making it for me),sewn on the left-chest.
With you supplying the fabric it would be $139.00 + shipping.
I've ordered the applique,so you should get
it soon.Lastly,I'm going to be ordering the fabric soon,how much exactly
should I order,four yards,or five,considering you'll be adding not only
a hood and mittens,but a long cat-tail,as well?
The same as last time should do. I had enough
extra last time to make a second hood, so it will be enough for a tail.
Just make sure it is 60" fabric. If it is shorter than 60" I will need
to figure out the amount.
I have a few links to some fabric I've been
looking at.I'm going to send those links,and you tell me which one (if
any),is okay, under the specification you gave (nothing too hairy;stay
away from shaggy fabric),a bit earlier:
Hi,I got an e-mail concerning the delivery of
the vinyl fabric that I ordered,and it said that it was delivered, and
signed by someone, but the name wasn't yours,was that you, I mean, did
the package come earlier today?
The store downstairs signed for it. I have it. Thanks for letting me know though, otherwise I would not have known they had it.
Hi,just informing you that I ordered the cat
applique and the black fabric for the cat sleeper,but now due to the
hurricane tomorrow,delivery might be delayed some,so let me know when
the fabric and applique arrive and keep safe with this storm adversely
affecting both of our areas over the next 24-48 hours
The applique came yesterday, Ill let you know when the fabric arrives.
So,how's things going? Did you lose power in
that hurricane this past Monday or Tuesday? If so, have you gotten it
back yet? We here in my town got lucky,compared to NYC and especially
the Jersey Shore,half our town lost power,but at least no one was
killed,or left homeless here.So,has the black fabric for my cat sleeper
showed up yet? If not,I'm not surprised.The hurricane probably put the
delivery-time back a few days,but hopefully sometime this upcoming week
you should get it,so let me know when it arrives,thanks,and chat with
you again soon..
I just go the fabric today, go delivered downstairs again. I am going to call UPS about that.
I am fine here, not damage or power outages. It was much worse in NJ.
I am fine here, not damage or power outages. It was much worse in NJ.
Okay,cool! Well,I will b sending the first of
the payments for the cat sleeper next week.Now,you said that the cost
is $135 without shipping,correct? How much extra would the shipping be?
I'm thinking,if it's,say $15,making the total cost $150,I'll be sending
$75 the first time,and the other $75 the second time,will u b making the
sleeper before or after you get the two payments? Maybe you can also
send some pictures of the sleeper as it's being made,like with my pink
bunny sleeper? Again,just a few pictures of the various parts,like the
sleeves,or how the sleeper looks once the sleeves and legs and feet are
attached,but before you add the hood and tail? Thanks,and let me know
how much this'll cost WITH the shipping,and I'll look for the pictures
of the sleeper like with the bunny sleeper soon
Just writing to inform you that I will be
sending the first payment soon.Since my job gave me off on Thanksgiving
and the day after,Black Friday,I may be getting paid tomorrow,a couple
of days early,so whether it's tomorrow or Friday,I will b sending the
first $75 for this order.Now,I also wanted to ask you this,if I wanted
you to take an applique off of something,say a child sized sleeper that
has a cute applique that I want to add to a regular sleeper,could you
take the applique off that and sew it to a new one that I'm going to
have you make for me? I have this sleeper someone else made for me,but I
found some fabric that I've been eyeing that I would like you to make
me a sort of replacement sleeper out of for me,could you do that? You
can take the applique off that sleeper and sew it to my replacement
sleeper as well as use the vinyl from that one for the feet on this new
one,would you b able to do that? If so,after you're done with this cat
sleeper,that would be the next project for you to work on for me,so let
me know if you have the means to take an applique off one article of
clothing so as to put it on another without damaging the applique,of
course,and look for this first money order for this cat sleeper real
Yes I can do that. Do you want it to be made
the same as the other one or for me to make it my way? If you want me to
use the old pjs as a pattern that is doable, but I will need to see
them first to give you a price.
Well,right now I would prefer the same as the
old pjs I'll be sending, but what you mean about your way? Do you have
some pictures of sleepers done "your way"? Maybe I'd like it better that
way,but don't know what you mean by your way,so until I do,I'd say use
the old pjs as the pattern.Let me just describe the pjs in question so
you get an idea.They're the usual one-piece,footed pajamas with a
neck-to-crotch zipper (if you can get a neck-to-ankle zipper for the
replacement pjs that would be fine,in fact,I'd prefer it that way),and
vinyl soles and toecaps.Not only would I like you to use the WTP
applique (take it off the old pjs and embroider it on the replacement
sleeper),but you can also take the vinyl off the old pjs (it would save
on me or you having to order vinyl for the replacement pjs, so that
might be better,using the vinyl on the old pjs for the soles and toecaps
on the replacement pjs).As far as the fabric,I made sure to look for a
no-shag,shorter pile fabric,meaning it should be less hairy that the
fabric on the old pjs,and certainly less hairy than the fabric used for
the bunny sleeper,and have put the stuff in my online shopping
cart,ready for me to go through checkout and therefore for me to order
the stuff when I'm ready.Well,I'll b sending the first of the 2 money
orders for the cat sleeper on Friday,and then the second one sometime
next month (I'm hoping to get a Christmas bonus,so if I do, I'll use
that for the second money order,and maybe even to order one of the
fabrics that I found on the Internet last night),I have a second sleeper
I may also ask you to make a replacement for, but not until after the
first replacement sleeper is made.Anyway, sorry for the long-winded
message/reply,but I had a lot to say,but I wish you and yours a happy
Thanksgiving tomorrow and that you stay safe traveling about the area
over the holiday weekend,and don't eat or drink too much tomorrow :-)
That's all for now!
Oh,also add a zipper tab for the replacement sleeper,but use the same replacement fabric for the zipper-tab,of course.
Oh,I think I know what you mean by "your
way",do you mean,as far as how those sleepers you've made for other
customers,in those pictures on your homepage,are made? If so,I'd rather
you use the old pjs and the pattern for how to make the replacement
pjs,though I don't see the different between how you made those sleepers
in your hompeage pictures and how these old pjs that you'll be
replacing,were made,but use these old pjs as your guide for making the
replacement sleepers.
Change of plans: I'm going to send 3 money
orders of $50 each because I want to order the fabric for the first
replacement sleeper right away before it get sold out and it's going to
be about $50 or $60,so it would be better for me to send $50 for the cat
sleeper on Friday since I'm also going to order the replacement fabric
that day too,or I may send $100 for the cat sleeper if I get that
Christmas bonus,keeping it at 2 money orders,but I'm going to send $50
instead of $75 for the cat sleeper on Friday.
Just writing to inform you that I sent the
first $50 money order today and ordered the red fabric for the first
replacement sleeper.I will send the second $50 when I get paid again in a
couple of weeks.Now,I'm going to also attach to this e-mail the link to
the page describing the fabrics,the one I ordered for the first
sleeper,and the one I'm thinking of ordering for the second replacement
sleeper,just so you have an idea on what fabrics I'm looking to have you
Link for the stuff I ordered earlier today:
This is the link for the stuff I'm thinking of ordering for the second replacement sleeper,shortly after you get done with and ship the first replacement blanket sleeper::
Link for the stuff I ordered earlier today:
This is the link for the stuff I'm thinking of ordering for the second replacement sleeper,shortly after you get done with and ship the first replacement blanket sleeper::
By "my way" I mean using my pattern. I will use the old pjs as a pattern though.
I will let you know when your check arrives. I should be getting started on your order (black cat sleeper) this coming weekend.
I will let you know when your check arrives. I should be getting started on your order (black cat sleeper) this coming weekend.
Okay,cool,Also,you should get the fabric by
the time you start the cat sleeper,though it's coming from the West
Coast,so it might be awhile,but if I get a tracking # or a notice that
the fabric is on the way to you,I'll pass it along.You should also get
the check either tomorrow or Tuesday,since I sent it Friday,and since we
live so close,but thanks for promising to inform me when the check
arrives,I really appreciate it
Thanks for the update.Now,did the fabric for
the replacement sleeper arrive yet? I ordered it a week ago,so if it
hasn't come, it should soon.Did you start on the cat sleeper yet? Have
any picture of it as it's being made,like the ones you sent me of the
bunny sleeper? Well,hope to hear from you soon,cya
Yes it came in yesterday. Also I did not get a
chance to get started on the sleeper yet, I ended up getting sick. I
will send pictures when I do though.
So,have you started on the cat sleeper yet?
I'll be sending the rest of the payment next week,mainly so that you'll
get it before Christmas,but I'll mail you again when I do send the
payment,In the meantime,let me know if you've started making the cat
sleeper or not,otherwise,have a good weekend
No I have not gotten started. I started
working on other orders that need to be shipped out before Christmas. I
should be able to get started next week though. I will be sure to send
you photos.
Are you planning on sending the rest of the payment or another $50 payment?
Are you planning on sending the rest of the payment or another $50 payment?
Well,I've been going back and forth about
this.Now I'm thinking of sending another $50 payment next week and then
$50 again the following week (mostly on the next couple of Fridays,or
Saturdays, starting next week,December 14 or 15).I will also send the
fabric for the second replacement sleeper just before Christmas,around
December 21, or 22, so you'll get it by New Year's,give or take a few
days (sometime between,say December 28 or so, to January 3 or 4).I will
then send the sleepers you will b replacing as soon as you send me the
cat sleeper,so I can use the box that sleeper came in to send you the
sleepers I want you to replace,taking the appliques and maybe the vinyl
on the soles and toecaps off them.That's the deal as far as I'm thinking
right now,anyway
Well,I've finally done it.I sent the second
$50 money order today, so you should get it by this weekend,and then
I'll be sending the last $50 at the end of next week,when I get paid
again.I'll also be sending the fabric for the second replacement blanket
sleeper.So,have you started the cat sleeper yet? If so, how far along
are you? Have any pictures for me? Well,at least let me know when this
second money order for the cat sleeper arrives,and chat with u again
Hey, I am planning on starting your order
tonight, but would like to know exactly what you want. Did you fill out
the form again for it? I thought you did, but I am not finding it.
If not, could you please fill it out again to refresh me on what you want.
If not, could you please fill it out again to refresh me on what you want.
Did you get my filling in of the request
form, earlier tonight? Let me know if you did,and if you did start on my
cat sleeper yet,and if so,please feel free to post pictures of the
sleeper as you're making it,like you did with my bunny sleeper as soon
as you can (as far as what the form doesn't cover,please add toecaps and
vinyl to the soles of the feet, and remember to add a hood with cat
ears on the top,and don't forget the tail,like you did with the bunny
sleeper (remember you had to send me the tail and then I had to ask
someone to sew it on the butt of the sleeper for me)? Well,thanks for
everything,and look for the money order either tomorrow or Saturday,and
then I'll send the last $50 for the cat sleeper,and the yellow fabric
for the second replacement sleeper (what I'm thinking of doing is using
the box my cat sleeper comes in to send the two sleepers that I need
replacing, so once I get the cat sleeper,you'll get the two sleepers I
want you to take the applique and vinyl soles and toecaps from,and add
to the replacement sleepers.You can even use the zippers on those two
sleepers for the replacement sleepers,so you don't have to go out and
buy zippers for the ones you'll be making me, saving even more money.Do
you need me to fill out the order form for the two replacement
sleepers?),by this time next week,so chat with you again soon.
Yes I did, I also got your check today. I started on your order the other night and will send you pics in the next few days.
Cool! Thanks for the picture.So,does this
mean you are in the beginning stages of putting this together? Well,I'm
going to be sending the final $50 for this tomorrow,along with the
yellow fabric for the second replacement sleeper.Now,when you send the
cat sleeper,I'm planning on sending the two sleepers that I want you to
replace,depending on how big the box you send the cat sleeper in,if I
can fit both regular blanket sleepers in it, otherwise you'll just have
to do it one at a time.I'll let u know when the time comes.Well,I'll
e-mail you again when I send the last money order for the cat
sleeper,and I look forward to more pictures of my cat sleeper as it's
made,and especially I look forward to getting it.Chat with you later.
So,I'm writing to inform you that I sent the
final money order of $50,for the cat sleeper today,so that should now be
all paid for.Now,as for the fabric for the second replacement
sleeper,the yellow one,I was thinking,maybe I should wait until you r
done with the cat sleeper before I order the yellow fabric,because
otherwise,you already have enough on your plate,just getting the cat
sleeper done,and you already have the red fabric for the first
replacement sleeper,so maybe it'd be better for me to order the yellow
fabric for the second replacement sleeper when u r done with the cat
sleeper,what do you think? Will you b done with the cat sleeper before
New Year's? With Christmas in just a few days,I don't expect u 2 b done
with it before then,for you'd have to finish it by tomorrow or
Sunday.Reminder on the cat sleeper: remember 2 add the cat-tail to the
butt,so as to avoid what happened with the bunny sleeper a few months
ago,and remember to add the cat applique to the left chest,Well,in any
event,I just wanted 2 u know that I sent the last money order for the
cat sleeper today,and that I'm going to hold off sending the fabric for
the yellow replaement sleeper at least for a few days,until I hear from u
on the time-table for the completion of the cat sleeper.Chat with u
later,and if not,within the next few days,Merry Christmas!
Oh,another reason for holding off on ordering
the yellow fabric for those replacement sleepers we discussed,with
Christmas in a few days,the fabric won't be going out until after the
holiday anyway,most likely,so might as well wait until after the holiday
to order the stuff anyway.Second,will I have to fill out another order
form for the replacement sleepers,too? Also,with my having you take the
applique and vinyl, and even the zippers off these sleepers I'll be
sending u after u send me the cat sleeper,will that cut down on the cost
for these replacement sleepers,since I'll be providing all the
material,you'll just have to put them together,the replacement sleepers?
Well,if I don't here from you tomorrow or Sunday,once again,Merry
I am out of town right now for the holidays, but I plan to have your sleeper done by Jan 3rd.
Waiting on the yellow fabric is fine. As for the replacement sleeper, it is actually more work for me to take them all apart rather than using new materials so it would not cut down on the cost.
Hope you had a good Christmas. I will update you once I am back in town. I should be back Jan 1st.
Waiting on the yellow fabric is fine. As for the replacement sleeper, it is actually more work for me to take them all apart rather than using new materials so it would not cut down on the cost.
Hope you had a good Christmas. I will update you once I am back in town. I should be back Jan 1st.
First off,my Christmas was fine.At least we
were able to gather for the holidays,me and my family,so that's the most
important thing,that we were able to get together all happy and
healthy.I hope you had a good Christmas yesterday yourself.Happy New
Year as well.Now,onto business: I've decided to order the yellow fabric
for the second replacement sleeper tonight and just placed the order,so
you should get it by the time you're ready to send the cat
sleeper.Then,once I get the cat sleeper,I'll send the two replacement
sleepers in the same box,depending on if I can fit both sleepers I need
replacing in the same, said box together. Let me ask you,the red
fabric,for the first replacement sleeper,it's not too hairy,is it? I
ordered it because it seemed to have a low nap,or pile
content,meaning,that it's a short pile.I know you had problems with the
fabric for the bunny sleeper mainly because it was too hairy/was too
long of a pile or nap, and I want to make sure that the stuff I ordered
for both replacement sleepers are of a short pile,or nap,as per the
description of the fabrics on the web-site.
Im glad your Christmas was good. It is nice to see family for holidays.
The fabric for the cat sleeper is okay, I am a bit worried about the wear on my machine as I just got it back from repairs, but it should be okay. The red fabric does not look like it will be a problem and is super soft and short.
The fabric for the cat sleeper is okay, I am a bit worried about the wear on my machine as I just got it back from repairs, but it should be okay. The red fabric does not look like it will be a problem and is super soft and short.
Sorry about your sewing machine.Hope
everything's fine.Well,just writing to just make sure that you added the
applique,hood,and tail to the sleeper,and to remind you to get a
tracking # for the cat sleeper,once you send it out next week and that
you have a Happy New Year,and if you're going anywhere for New
Year's,stay safe
I knew that I was forgetting
something.Now,this is for the two replacement sleepers: Can you find
some rib-knitting for the collar and sleeve-cuffs,that matches the color
of the sleepers,as in red rib-knitting for the red sleeper,and yellow
rib-knitting for the yellow replacement sleeper? The rib-knitting for
the red sleeper I'll be sending you is quite worn so I definitely need
replacing on that,so basically,don't use the rib-knitting on this two
old sleepers for the replacement sleepers,and get some that matches the
colors of the fabrics for the replacement sleepers,Now the yellow fabric
I ordered that you should receive sometime next week,after the New
Year's holiday,is the same exact stuff as the red fabric for the first
replacement sleeper,so you shouldn't have a problem with the yellow
fabric,either.Well,if I don't hear from you within the next 3 days,Happy
New Year!
Hello, I wanted to let you know that I am
back in town, however I have the flu. So I do not want to get my sick
germs all over you sleeper. I am hoping to feel better in the next few
days and start to finish up your order.
So,do you have any more pictures of my cat
sleeper for me in the meantime? Are you feeling any better yet? Sorry to
hear that you're sick.Well,when you finish the cat sleeper,let me know
and make sure to get a tracking # for this for me,and e-mail said
tracking # to me,so I can know when the sleeper arrives,and then I'll be
sending the two sleepers for you to replace,so hope you feel better
soon,and you get to finish up my cat sleeper (when do you think you'll
be finished by,I mean,how much more do you have to do,a day's worth or
work,two days)? Hope to hear from you soon,or at least,you send me some
more pictures of my cat sleeper,even if it's (pictures of my cat
sleeper), as it (the cat sleeper), is at the moment,cya!
Cool,thanks for the pictures.So,how far along
are you? How long ago were these pictures taken? Do you think you'll be
done by the end of next week,say around January 10,or 11? Don't forget
to get a tracking # once you r done and send the cat sleeper out and to
add the tail to the butt,so we don't have to do like with the bunny
sleeper (have 2 have someone else sew on the tail after you send the
tail to me unattached to the sleeper),and have a great weekend.
I am hoping to get it done Sunday and shipped out Monday. Here are some pics I took today.
Cool,thanks for the pictures.The one on the
left though is blurry, i don't know why,but if you could fix it up,or
take another,of the same shot,that would be great.Well,thanks for
everything,and once I receive the package,I'll send the sleepers to be
replaced, probably that same day that the cat sleeper arrives,and don't
forget the tracking # and to attach the tail,unless you have already,and
have a great weekend,and again,thanks for the pics
Thanks for the pictures and the
update.Well,just remember,when you send it tomorrow,get a tracking
#.Now,I might have to wait until Friday or Saturday to pick it up from
the post office,with work and all,but once I do,I will send the two
replacement sleepers for you to take the Pooh appliques and maybe the
zippers and vinyl for the soles and toecaps,off and put on the 2 new
sleepers you'll be making me,but thanks for everything,and let me know
if I need to fill out an order form for the two replacement
sleepers,otherwise,once u tell me how much you want for making those 2
replacement sleepers,I'll start sending you the money for them.
As far as the pictures,I really like
everything,from where u put the applique,to how you made the tail,and
everything,and I like the contrast between the black fabric and the
white soles and toecaps.The sleeper looks real cool,cozy,warm,and
inviting.I can't wait to get it and try it on.Thanks for everything,and
we'll keep in touch (I'll let u know when I pick up the cat sleeper,but
won't b sending the two sleepers to be replaced until Saturday, for I
won't have time during the week,with work and all)
So,did you send the cat sleeper out today?
Did you get a tracking #? Let me know,thanks.Oh,by the way,did you get
the yellow fabric for the second replacement sleeper yet? How r u
planning on working on the sleepers,are you going to work on and ship
them out one-at-a-time,or are you going to wait until you're finished
both and ship both out at the same time? Either way is fine,so let me
know which you'd rather do,thanks.
Yes, the tracking number is: 03120860000002695590
I can send them one at a time or together, whichever is best for you. If they were sent together you may save on shipping though.
I can send them one at a time or together, whichever is best for you. If they were sent together you may save on shipping though.
Oh,okay,thank you! Like I said,I'll probably
pick it up (the cat sleeper), from the post office Friday or
Saturday,and then send out the two replacement sleepers then.As far as
the replacement sleepers,I guess it might be best then to have them
shipped together.Now,how long do you think it'll take to get the two
replacement sleepers done, assuming I get the money to you in a couple
of months (either all together,or in $50 or $100 increments)? Now,with
it already being January,I don't expect you to be able to ship these to
me before mid-to-late March,but do you think you might have them done by
the end of March,or early April?
Hi,writing to inform you that I decided to
pick up the cat sleeper during lunch this afternoon,and will be sending
the replacement sleepers tomorrow,or Friday,so you should get them by
Saturday or Monday,though only Saturday if I send them out
tomorrow,otherwise it'll be Monday at the earliest.I did try the cat
sleeper on just now,and it fits prrrfectly LOL! It's so warm and the
fabric so silky smooth,I'm sure I'll enjoy wearing it (unfortunately
this winter hasn't been cooperating in the cold weather department,so
far,and probably won't for the next week,or so,if forecasts hold
up.Fortunately,it's only January 9, so there's plenty of time for the
cold and snow to finally arrive before this winter ends up being another
dud like last year.Well, now onto the replacement sleepers.I will b
starting a new conversation thread for that order,and will start it when
I send the replacement sleepers out,within the next few days.Until
then,have a good night and thanks for everything.
PS: I know what you said about the shipping charges,but I think it might be better to send one at a time,especially since it's probably going to be $150 per sleeper anyway,correct,and I mean shipping is,what,$10,$15,for the 2 sleepers,and less if only one gets shipped at a time,or would it even matter? Is that built into the $150 price-tag? It would be a shame to have one sitting around while waiting for you to finish the other,and if I wait until March or April,which it may take until if I have to send you say $300 ($150 each sleeper),the winter would be over.At least if you get one of them finished by mid-February,for example,I could wear that one for the last month,or so of the season,so at least I can wear one of them at least at the tail-end of this winter. Better to be able to wear one of the two for a time,than none because it'll be too warm by the time I get these 2 replacement sleepers,but I'll let you know after I send the sleepers and you receive them,and maybe until after you start making the first one before making my final,ultimate decision on this.
PS: I know what you said about the shipping charges,but I think it might be better to send one at a time,especially since it's probably going to be $150 per sleeper anyway,correct,and I mean shipping is,what,$10,$15,for the 2 sleepers,and less if only one gets shipped at a time,or would it even matter? Is that built into the $150 price-tag? It would be a shame to have one sitting around while waiting for you to finish the other,and if I wait until March or April,which it may take until if I have to send you say $300 ($150 each sleeper),the winter would be over.At least if you get one of them finished by mid-February,for example,I could wear that one for the last month,or so of the season,so at least I can wear one of them at least at the tail-end of this winter. Better to be able to wear one of the two for a time,than none because it'll be too warm by the time I get these 2 replacement sleepers,but I'll let you know after I send the sleepers and you receive them,and maybe until after you start making the first one before making my final,ultimate decision on this.
I did receive the yellow fabric.
I do not know how much the sleepers will cost to remake because I have not seen them yet. I do not know how much work it will take, also I need to consider how much time it will take to take the original sleepers apart (to reuse parts and the pattern).
I do not know how much the sleepers will cost to remake because I have not seen them yet. I do not know how much work it will take, also I need to consider how much time it will take to take the original sleepers apart (to reuse parts and the pattern).
So,did you receive the sleepers yet? UPS says
you should've got it yesterday,at around 4PM,Check with your neighbors
if you didn't and let me know if they arrived and give me a price quote
once you estimate the work involved,thanks
I just got it, yes it was delivered to someone else again.
I am busy with orders for the next few days, but I will let you know a price sometime next week when I get a chance to look at them. Also, I have 14 other orders in at the moment so the earliest I would be able to start on yours would be in February. Probably about the second week in Feb, but it depends on how far I get with my other orders.
I am busy with orders for the next few days, but I will let you know a price sometime next week when I get a chance to look at them. Also, I have 14 other orders in at the moment so the earliest I would be able to start on yours would be in February. Probably about the second week in Feb, but it depends on how far I get with my other orders.
Okay, I have had a chance to look at the sleepers you sent.
What I will have to do is take apart one of the sleepers copy the pattern onto paper, then make the sleepers based off of the paper pattern. The second sleeper would only require that I take the feet, zipper, and patch off. Since I will only have to take apart one sleeper and not the other, they will be different costs. The first sleeper will be $160 + shipping ( that is for making the sleeper and the pattern) and the second sleeper would be $135 + shipping.
What is also good about making the pattern is that I can reuse it for any future orders you may want.
Let me know how you would like to proceed.
What I will have to do is take apart one of the sleepers copy the pattern onto paper, then make the sleepers based off of the paper pattern. The second sleeper would only require that I take the feet, zipper, and patch off. Since I will only have to take apart one sleeper and not the other, they will be different costs. The first sleeper will be $160 + shipping ( that is for making the sleeper and the pattern) and the second sleeper would be $135 + shipping.
What is also good about making the pattern is that I can reuse it for any future orders you may want.
Let me know how you would like to proceed.
Cool,that sounds reasonable.So,probably
sometime next month, either on February 1, and/or February 15,I will
send the money for the cheaper sleeper (the $135 plus shipping,so just
let me know what the shipping cost will be before the end of this
month.I may send it all at once,or send the first half on February 1 and
the second half 2 weeks later),and then sometime in March,or April,I'll
send the money for the first sleeper,the $160+ shipping,so maybe you
should make the second sleeper first,and then send that one once you're
done (I know sending them together would save on shipping,but as I
explained,I'd rather have one of them for the little bit of winter
that'll be left by the time you send that $135 sleeper,rather than wait
until April or May to get both and have to wait until next winter to
wear either.Well,let me know when u start on the first sleeper (the $135
one),and like with the bunny and cat sleepers,feel free to send some
pictures of the 2 replacement sleepers as you make them,as well.
Oh,with the frigid weather setting in in the
coming days,I'm going to cherish having my cat and bunny sleepers,I can
tell you that! :-)
So,how's things been lately? Have you been
able to start on any of my replacement blanket sleepers yet? If so,do
you have any pictures to show me? Which of the sleepers have you started
first,the yellow one,or the red one?
I ordered the vinyl for the first replacement
sleeper,and put in the instruction section to add it to the yellow
sleeper (I may order the stuff for the red sleeper in a few
weeks).Second,I wanted to write because I've had a slight change in
plans.I'm going to send all the money for the $135 sleeper in a couple
more weeks,and then send the $160 for the second sleeper about 3 or 4
weeks later.Now,which sleeper is worth $135 and which is worth
$160,again? Well,enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow and let me know if you've
started making either of my replacement sleepers,and if not,when you
think you'll be done with your other orders to get to them,and we'll
keep in touch
It doesnt matter which one is which cost, but
the first one I make will be the $160 one. As it will be the one I take
apart and make the pattern from.
The yellow and red sleepers you sent are both the same, right?
You dont want me to reuse the vinyl anymore? Also I have left over vinyl from your last order that can be used.
The yellow and red sleepers you sent are both the same, right?
You dont want me to reuse the vinyl anymore? Also I have left over vinyl from your last order that can be used.
Yes,they both are the same.Okay,then,I'll
send the $160 money order in a couple of weeks,and make it the yellow
one.As far as the vinyl,use the vinyl from the last order for the first
sleeper,and the vinyl I just ordered and sent to you,use it for the
second,red sleeper,but do feel free to use the zippers on the sleepers I
sent you for the replacement sleepers,and add a zipper-tab,and
toecaps,as well as the WTP appliques from the old sleepers,onto the
replacement sleepers.Well,I'll email you again when I send the first
money order,so you know that it's on the way,so until then,have a good
night and a great week ahead
Hello, just want to let you know I received the vinyl yesterday. Also I began work on your pattern.
Cool.Well,I'll be sending the money for that
first sleeper in about a week from now,give or take a day,or two,will
you be starting on the first sleeper by then? Will you have it done,or
at least, started before I send the money for the second sleeper in
about a month from now (which is exactly 4 weeks later,due to it being
February,the shortest month of the year,exactly 4 weeks long)? Don't
forget to add the zipper-tab,the WTP appliques and the toecaps and the
zippers from the original sleepers.Well,again I'll e-mail you again when
I send the money for the first sleeper in a week to 10 days from
now.Until then,gave a great night and a great week ahead.
Cool,thanks for the pictures.Feel free to
post some more,as you go along,and I should have the first money order
in the mail around this time next week,so stay tuned
So,do you have any more pictures of my red
sleeper as it's being made? I'll be sending the money sometime next week
(no sooner than Tuesday,being that Monday's President's Day).As of
right now,I'm thinking next Wednesday or Thursday (February 20 or 21),
will b the day I send the $160 for that first,red sleeper u r working
on.How much longer do you think it'll be until u r done making that red
sleeper? If you think you'll be done by February 20,I'll make sure to
send the money that day,otherwise I may hold off until the next day,or
next Friday (February 22).Then, by mid-March (sometime between March
15-20),I'll send the money for the other sleeper,the yellow one.Oh,were u
able to get red rib-knitting for the red sleeper,and yellow
rib-knitting for the yellow sleeper? Well,hope to hear from u soon and
to see more pics of the red sleeper as u work on it,and have a good
weekend upcoming
Writing to inform you that I sent half of the
$160 I owe you for the first replacement blanket sleeper (that means
$80),and will send the other $80 next week around this time.I did this
for budgetary reasons and because since you haven't told me where you
are in the process of making this first replacement blanket sleeper,and
haven't heard from you,period,in a couple of weeks,I have no reason to
believe that you are even close to being done working on it,so I have to
assume that it doesn't matter if I wait another week or two before I
send the second $80 money order for the first,red,WTP blanket
sleeper.Please,at least let me know when this money order arrives,and if
you have any more pictures of my red replacement blanket sleeper as
it's being made,or at least an updated picture of it,as it looks right
now,even if it's finished,and then I'll let u know when I send the other
$80 for the first replacement blanket sleeper.
I have been taking my time making them
because I didn't think I would get a payment until mid week next week. I
have gotten a little more done and they should be done by this weekend
or latest mid week next week.
I do not have any pics at the moment, but will take some tomorrow when I work on them.
I do not have any pics at the moment, but will take some tomorrow when I work on them.
Cool,thanks for the pictures? Looks like you
just have to add the WTP applique and the zipper-tab,did you add the
feet yet? If you can get a picture or two of the attached feet,if they r
done and sewn on already,of course,that'd be great,but if not,send them
once you do,of course,and look for my first money order in the mail as
soon as tomorrow,and I'll be sending my second money order on Monday or
Tuesday,so you can get that second payment as soon as Wednesday,or
Thursday of next week and I look forward to more pictures and the
ultimate arrival of this first sleeper real soon
PS: For the next set of pictures,get one or two of the feet with the soles and toecaps,and the next set of the zipper-tab and WTP applique,specifically,thanks!
PS: For the next set of pictures,get one or two of the feet with the soles and toecaps,and the next set of the zipper-tab and WTP applique,specifically,thanks!
No the feet are not on yet. All I have left is the zipper tab, applique, neck, and feet.
Writing to inform you that I sent the second
half of the money for the first replacement sleeper earlier this
afternoon,so you should get that by Tuesday or Wednesday of this
upcoming week.Let me know what that arrives.Speaking of which,did the
first payment,of $80 arrive yet? I sent it Wednesday,so you should've
gotten it by now. Did you get any closer to finishing the sleeper? Any
more pictures of it for me? When do you plan on starting the second
sleeper,the yellow one? I mean,right after you finish and send out the
red sleeper,or do you have other orders to do between them? I'll be
sending the money for the yellow sleeper (I'm still planning on sending
it all in one payment,but if that changes,I'll let you know),but just
let me know if the first money order arrived,and then let me know when
the second one arrives,and if you have any more pictures of the red
sleeper,send them along (unless you haven't taken any more yet,and if
that's the case,just send more once you get a chance to take more,mainly
of the feet and/or the WTP applique,but if you say put the zipper-tab
on next before adding those features,then take a pic of the sleeper with
the zipper tab), and I'll chat with you sometime in the near future,bye
4 now!
Oh,almost forgot,I'll be sending the money
order for the yellow sleeper sometime next month,around March 15 or
20,and it'll be all in one payment,unless I change my mind (if so,I'll
send the first half around March 12 or 13 and the second half around
March 20,or so)
Cool,thanks for the pictures! I assume that
the first money order arrived? The second should be along shortly,either
tomorrow or Wednesday.This red sleeper looks extra warm and cozy.I'm
glad I picked that fabric,and am glad that you were able to get the
matching rib-knitting for the sleeves and neck.I really look forward to
getting this,and now I just ask that you remember to get a tracking #
when you send out this red sleeper,and let me know when u r ready to
work on the yellow sleeper next.and when the red sleeper arrives
here,I'll let u know that it arrived.
Yes I got the first money order and the
second one arrived today. I will send the sleeper out tomorrow and let
you know what the shipping costs. Then you can include the cost in the
next payment.
Cool,thanks for the update.I'll look for the
sleeper later in the week,but I'd still appreciate it if you could get
the tracking # and message it to me on here tomorrow,so I can track the
package and know when it arrives,thanks
Sent USPS tracking #: 9405 5036 9930 0334 2925 83
The shipping cost is $9.00
The shipping cost is $9.00
Hi,just to update,I have NOT received the
package yet.I went to one of the postmen at my town's post office and
asked them to check where the package is,and such,and I was told that
the expected delivery date is for Monday,March 4.I also checked the post
office web-site and it said it only left your area this morning.
Well,I'm going to check my PO Box tomorrow and if it arrives,I'll let u
know,otherwise I'll update you on the situation on Monday.
Hi,just to update,the package did come
today,but the fabric wasn't as thick as I thought it would be,and I
don't think it's thick enough to be very warm,and I also think I ordered
the same fabric for the yellow sleeper,just in the color yellow,of
course,so I'm going to look around the Internet for something a bit
thicker.Here's the stuff I was looking at from earlier.I'll send you a
link and let me know if this was the same fabric I ordered and if not if
it's still fits within what you said about the fabric not being too
tough for your sewing machine.Here's the link:
Since you said you have another order,or two
to fill before you start on the yellow sleeper,I'm going to use the time
to either order the fabric from the link or find something else to use
instead,and you can use the yellow that I did order,for the yellow
sleeper,for future orders for other customers.
Hi,I'm writing to inform you that I wore the
red sleeper last night and it seems to be a bit too tight,particularly
in the arms and the back-inseam area,so I think the measurements you
used for it were a bit off,so I'm going to give you the exact
measurements to use for the sleepers (I'm going to return this red
sleeper to you and I was looking at this stuff from the web-site fabricempire.com
for you to use for the replacement of this red replacement
sleeper.Still do the yellow one first,though,as I'll b sending u the
replacement fabric for that one first, and then the red for the new
replacement sleeper,Would the cost to replace this sleeper be the same
as the cost for the yellow one [$135 + $9 shipping?). Here's the link:
Here's my measurements (do you want me to fill out another order form?):
Height: 6 feet
Inseam: 36 inches
Waist,chest,hips: 50 inches
Neck to crotch: 31 or 32 inches
Arms (neck to finger-tips): 29 inches (26 inches to knuckles)
Foot/shoe Size: 12
Use the same zipper,rib-knitting and vinyl on soles and toecaps that you used on the red sleeper that arrived here yesterday for the new red replacement sleeper.
Here's my measurements (do you want me to fill out another order form?):
Height: 6 feet
Inseam: 36 inches
Waist,chest,hips: 50 inches
Neck to crotch: 31 or 32 inches
Arms (neck to finger-tips): 29 inches (26 inches to knuckles)
Foot/shoe Size: 12
Use the same zipper,rib-knitting and vinyl on soles and toecaps that you used on the red sleeper that arrived here yesterday for the new red replacement sleeper.
Here's the link of another fabric I was looking at.Let me know if this would be acceptable for you to use:
Here's some more links if the fabrics in
those first 2 links doesn't work for you.Let me know which,if any,do
work for you (unless the fabric in the first 2 links from the previous
messages do work for you,as well)::
Sorry to hear that they do not fit well. I
made tem exacly like the yellow pair you sent........maybe the new
fabric has less of a strech than the older one? While n the subject do
you want the peices from the old sleepers back or can I toss them?
Also im not clear on what will need to be adjusted on the next pair. Is it the center back seam or your leg inseam that is too tight? And what particularly needs to be changed for the arms? I am asumming it is the length.
And yes an additional replacement sleeper would be $135 + $9 shipping, as long as there arent any additions or large changes.
As for fabric, these two should be good:
Also im not clear on what will need to be adjusted on the next pair. Is it the center back seam or your leg inseam that is too tight? And what particularly needs to be changed for the arms? I am asumming it is the length.
And yes an additional replacement sleeper would be $135 + $9 shipping, as long as there arent any additions or large changes.
As for fabric, these two should be good:
As far as the measurements on the red
replacement sleeper,the sleeves are a couple inches too short,as well as
the inseam and the back seam.As far as the fabrics,I will order the
yellow fabric from jandofabrics.com
within the next week, or so (as soon as the end of this week,or Monday
or Tuesday of next week),and then will pay for the yellow fabric a
week,or so later,while also returning the red sleeper that arrived on
Saturday,but proceed with the yellow sleeper once the jandofabric
arrives (or once you r ready to make it,once you're done with the orders
ahead of mine,but I should get that fabric 2 u before u r done with
those orders ahead of mine).Also,feel free to use those measurements I
sent you yesterday when making the yellow sleeper and the new red
replacement sleeper,otherwise just add a few inches to some of the
measurements u used to make the red sleeper that arrived 2 days ago.
I'm still planning on paying for the yellow
sleeper on or around March 20,I'll just order the new fabric a week to
10 days earlier.
I almost forgot,when I send back the red
sleeper,use all the other parts,the vinyl,the rib-knitting,the
zipper,and the WTP applique for the replacement of the red replacement
First off,sorry,I forgot,with regards to what
to do with the old fabric,feel free to do what you want,either throw it
away,or keep it for other orders from other customers.Now,onto the main
reason I'm writing tonight.I've decided to order the fabric for both
the yellow replacement sleeper you haven't made,and the red replacement
sleeper I'll be sending back to you to be reworked.I will b sending the
red sleeper back for you to rework by no later than this upcoming
weekend,most likely on Saturday (March 9). Then,as soon as next
week,I'll send the money,mainly for the yellow replacement sleeper,and
then a week,or two later,I'll send the money for the reworked red
replacement sleeper.Now,at first, I may send 2 money orders,one for $80
as soon as this Friday,and then the rest sometime next week,or the week
after,and then I'll be sending all $144 sometime around March 20 and
then we'll be all caught up.Now,I know you said you have other orders to
do before you work on the yellow sleeper,but you should get the fabric
for it within the next 4 or 5 days,at the most,based on the time-table
they use for the shipping method I used.How many order do you have to do
before you get to the yellow sleeper,and when do you think you'll be
finally able to work on that one? Are u still going to start that one
first,or are you going to start reworking the red sleeper first,assuming
you get the fabric for both and the returned sleeper all within the
next week to 10 days? (remember,use the measurements I sent you the
other day for both the red and yellow sleeper.I think you should've used
the pattern for the red sleeper,than the yellow,so it would fit
better,but oh well,and use the zipper,rib-knitting,vinyl,and applique
from the returned sleeper for the new, reworked red replacement
sleeper,and use the left over vinyl from the cat sleeper for the soles
and toecaps for the yellow sleeper,as well as the WTP applique from the
original yellow sleeper,but if you want to put on a longer zipper than
the original one has,feel free,otherwise use the same zipper from the
original yellow sleeper for the yellow replacement sleeper). The reason
why I changed my mind about stretching everything out longer was because
I decided that I would rather get all this paid for and out of the way
as soon as possible so I can focus on saving some money for new
furniture for my bedroom that I'm looking to start buying by this
summer,Well,let me know when the fabrics arrive and when u think you can
start working on the yellow replacement sleeper,or if you'd rather
rework the red replacement sleeper first,and when u think you'll be done
with all this,assuming you get everything you need (the money and
materials),by March 25,or so,and I'll let u know when exactly I send the
red sleeper back to you,and when I send the money orders for these
orders when the time comes.
I can start on either one first it does not
matter to me. I guess whichever one i get the materials for first. As of
right now i have two other orders, however this could change in the
next few days.
Also, dont forget to add the shipping cost from the red sleeper to your plan.
Also, dont forget to add the shipping cost from the red sleeper to your plan.
The yellow fabric arrived yesterday. I should be starting on them mid next week.
Writing to inform you that I sent $64 towards
the first of the sleepers.I'll b sending the red sleeper that arrived
last Saturday tomorrow,and the red fabric I ordered is scheduled to
arrive Monday,but let me know when it arrives,especially if it arrives
on any other day,like tomorrow,or Tuesday,so you should get the money
order I sent today,and the red sleeper for you to remake by Wednesday of
next week,give or take a day.I'll b sending the $80 for the rest of the
first sleeper payment by next Wednesday,as well.Now,as far as the
measurements,one thing I do want to change or correct is the shoe
size.Make it a size 13.I'm not sure if u make the feet on the red
replacement sleeper a size 12 or 11,but I think that the feet were also a
size too small as my feet were crammed into the sleeper-feet,to the
edge where the inseam is,so overall,I think most,if not all of the
measurements u used on that were an inch/size,or two off.Best to use
either the measurements I sent last Sunday,or the ones I put on those
order forms for the cat and bunny sleepers last year,but make the shoe
size a 13. Besides,if that's a size too big,I'd rather have the feet a
size too big than too small.It would remind me of when I was a little
kid and would wear a sleeper a size or two too big and the feet would
flop around.LOL! Well,I guess that about does it.Have a great
weekend,and look for the first money order and the red replacement
sleeper next week.
Update: I sent the red replacement sleeper
back to you yesterday,just like I had planned, so it should arrive to
you by Wednesday of this week. I'll be sending the rest of the $80 to
pay for the first sleeper on Tuesday or Wednesday and then the money for
the next sleeper about a week later. You should get the new red fabric
on Tuesday now,according to UPS. Well,that should about do it,so let me
know when the red fabric and the red replacement sleeper arrive and when
you start on the yellow sleeper, and I'll contact you again when I
officialy send the $80 so you can look for it in the mall, shortly
Cool,thanks for letting me know.I've also
been informed that they delivered the red replacement fabric to you
today as well,so look downstairs,or next door if you didn't get it to
your door again.Also,you should get the first money order I sent back on
Friday tomorrow if you haven't gotten it already.I'll b sending the $80
to cover the rest of the first $144 order tomorrow,and then I'll just
have to give u the $144 for the other sleeper order and then we should
be all set.Have u started on the yellow sleeper yet? If so,have any
pictures of me,send them along, Otherwise let me know when the first
money order comes as well as whether the red fabric I ordered last week
came to your door, or your neighbor's,and we'll keep in touch.
Sent out the second money order for $80
today,so you should get it by Saturday at the earliest.So,have you
started on the yellow sleeper,or are you going to do the redo on the red
replacement sleeper first,since you got everything,both the returned
sleeper and the fabric already? Well,I'll be sending the second $144
either all together,or the first of the two for that one sometime next
week,and if you have pictures of either the yellow,or the redo on the
red sleeper,as it's being made,send them along,and chat with you again
soon enough
Got the fabric and the first money order. I
actually have not gotten started yet. Unfortunately I had to leave town
unexpectedly today and should get started sat instead. Sorry about the
delay. I will update you sat night.
Okay, two things: first I think I am going to
use my pattern for the body and base the feet on they sleepers you
sent. Did the sleepers (bunny and cat) that I made fit okay? If so I
think that is a better plan. The sleepers you sent clearly were too
small to begin with. I actually made the feet on the red sleeper about
1/2 and inch bigger than the ones on the yellow one you sent, this was
because I could tell from the wear on the old sleeper that they did not
fit your foot. Also because I copied the yellow sleepers and they do not
fit, it makes no sense to base another sleeper off of something that
does not fit. The only thing that is really different on my pattern is
the feet and ankles, which is easy for me to add on.
Secondly I have different measurements written down for you from your other orders. If I am to make the pjs to fit you I need a basis to go off of. The last pair I made, you put 5'10" on the form.. which leads me to believe I made them based off of that measurement... so if I made a new pair with 2 extra inches they may be too big. Also the chest measurement is different. Do the other sleepers I made fit you? This is important to know because the two extra inches added to the height and chest measurement would change the outcome a lot.
Also, don't forget you still owe me for shipping the red sleeper ($9.00).
Secondly I have different measurements written down for you from your other orders. If I am to make the pjs to fit you I need a basis to go off of. The last pair I made, you put 5'10" on the form.. which leads me to believe I made them based off of that measurement... so if I made a new pair with 2 extra inches they may be too big. Also the chest measurement is different. Do the other sleepers I made fit you? This is important to know because the two extra inches added to the height and chest measurement would change the outcome a lot.
Also, don't forget you still owe me for shipping the red sleeper ($9.00).
I'm actually 5 foot 11,but otherwise,yeah
just use the measurements/pattern for the cat and bunny sleepers,except
the feet,at least on the bunny-sleeper,are a bit tight,so make it a size
up from what u used for the bunny sleeper.I will add the extra $9 to
the next money order.Well,once u start on the yellow replacement sleeper
tomorrow,remember to try to get at least one or two pictures of it as
you're making it,and have a good weekend
I think it's both,but especially the height
part,because I'm actually 5-foot-11,if not 6-foot even,not 5-foot-10,so I
would say the ones to change are the height by an inch,or two,and the
feet by a shoe size.
Cool! Now,this is of the fabric I ordered from jandofabrics.com?
How thick is it,is it pretty thick? Do you have any pictures showing
the fabric's thickness, or fuzziness/furriness? Well,I've been going
back and forth whether I'll be sending two money orders,or just one,but
I'm leaning towards all ($153) in one, probably on Tuesday or Wednesday
of this upcoming week (March 19 or 20).Well,if you have some more
pictures of this yellow sleeper,including one showing the yellow
fabric's thickness,or furriness,please send them along.
Cool,thanks for the pictures.Send some more
if you got them,maybe of it like with the red sleeper,with the zipper
attached,with the feet attached,the applique,etc...............Also,
more importantly,I sent the last of the money,all of it,all $153 that I
still owe you ($144 for the replacement of the red replacement
sleeper,and the $9 for shipping that I owed), yesterday,so you should
get it as soon as tomorrow,or Saturday,let me know when it arrives.Will u
b working on the red replacement sleeper after u send the yellow one
(will u b sending that one Monday,assuming you get that one done on
Sunday),or do you have other orders to do before you work on that one?
Well,looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing that you got the
yellow sleeper done and sent out,and as always, remember to get a
tracking # for both this yellow sleeper and the replacement of the red
replacement blanket sleeper,and chat with u soon,and again,thanks for
the pics!
So,did you get the $153 money order yet? Did you finish the yellow sleeper yet? Let me know about both, thank you!
I just finished up your order. I apologize
but I was in a rush to get your order done and forgot to take pictures
of the process. I did get a few pictures of them completed though.
Also yes I got the money order yesterday. I received a few more orders in the past few weeks, so I should get started on the red sleeper this coming weekend.
Here are some pics of the yellow sleeper.
Also yes I got the money order yesterday. I received a few more orders in the past few weeks, so I should get started on the red sleeper this coming weekend.
Here are some pics of the yellow sleeper.
In your opinion,do you think this new red
fabric from these pictures you just sent me, is thicker/furrier than
that stuff that that first replacement sleeper,that I sent back to you a
week, or two ago,was made out of?
Will you be sending the yellow sleeper out tomorrow then? If so, remember to get a tracking #,thanks!
It is not very thick, but is not as airy as
the other material. What I mean by that is that it does not have as many
small holes for air to get in and out so it may be warmer.
If you like I will send a small snip of the fabric with the yellow sleeper. I plan on taking a trip to the post office around 4PM today.
If you like I will send a small snip of the fabric with the yellow sleeper. I plan on taking a trip to the post office around 4PM today.
I know it's probably too late,but yeah,send a
snippet,or swatch of the fabric with the yellow sleeper.So,did u get
the package out this afternoon? Did you get a tracking #? Let me know
asap, and chat with u again soon.
Ya it was sent out, and I included a small piece of the red fabric.
Tracking num: 9534610498583084688343
Tracking num: 9534610498583084688343
I went onto the USPS web-site and entered in
the tracking # you gave me,and I get back this message that says that
the # does not exist,that it's invalid,are you sure you sent it USPS?
Usually by 24 hours out they should be able to have a record of it,but
it says that the # is invalid.
I will double check the number later and let you know. It def went USPS, but I could have typed it wrong.
Ya sorry about that I typed it wrong, the last # was supposed to be a 2. It says it was delivered yesterday though.
Maybe you should let me know how they fit then before I cut out the other one.
Maybe you should let me know how they fit then before I cut out the other one.
Yes,I got them yesterday,and tried them on
last night,and I have to say that I LOVE THEM! They fit perfectly,thank
you.Well,feel free to send me pictures of the second sleeper as it's
made.I did get the sample fabric u sent and I can see what you mean
about the fabric not being "airy", like the other stuff.
Not only did the sleeper fit,but I love the
fabric,the way it's both thick and fuzzy.Too bad it's spring now and
I'll have to wait another 7 or 8 months before it's cold enough to wear
these again,but they certainly kept me warm last night.
So,do you have any more pictures to share of
the sleeper as it's being made,especially since you are,or should be
finishing this thing up in the next few days? Well,post them if you have
them and let me know when u r done and planning to send this red
sleeper to me and remember to get a tracking # for them as well
I apologize but the post office cc machine was down so I could not get your sleeper out today. I will send it out tomorrow.
Okay all shipped! The tracking number is:
Hey,sorry I haven't been keeping up with you.Did you get my message about the new fabric I found on fabricempire.com
and how it's similar to the fabric u used on my black cat sleeper,but
it's in the color red? They call it "hot pink", but it looks red to me.I
can send you a link if you want.Are you on vacation now,or going
somewhere for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend? Well,let me
know if you want me to send that link or not,and hope to hear from you






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